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Privacy Policy

I’m a privacy policy section. I’m a great place to inform your visitors about how you use, store, and protect their personal information. Add details such as what information you collect, whether it be email addresses, names or phone numbers, why you collect this information, and how you use it.

Your user’s privacy is of the highest importance to your organization, so take the time to write an accurate and detailed policy. Use straightforward language to gain their trust and make sure they keep coming back to your site!

Safety and Security

I’m a safety and security section. As part of a privacy policy, in this section you can inform your visitors about how safely you protect their personal information. Add details such as encryption methods you may use, firewalls employed on your servers, or other security measures you my employ.

Your user’s security is of the highest importance to your organization, so take the time to write an accurate and detailed policy. Use straightforward language to gain their trust and make sure they keep coming back to your site!

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We believe that BJJ has the power to change lives, and our mission is to help make Jiu-Jitsu available to kids and adolescents in the poorest favelas of Brazil and beyond.


Phone: +5521982147252

Registered Charity: 

51.073.857/0001-72 (CNPJ e PIX)

Donations: (PayPal)
ou PIX na CNPJ

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